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Our Mission

Centerville Dual Language Academy is committed to providing equitable learning opportunities for all students to learn at grade level or higher in both languages to reach their full potential.

La Academia de Lenguaje Dual Centerville se comromete a brindar oportunidades de aprendizaje equitativas para que todos los estudiantes aprendan a nivel de grado o más alto en ambos idiomas para alcanzar todo su máximo potencial.

Our Vision

Our Chargers will be citizens of the world who demonstrate respect and appreciation of diverse experiences and perspectives, prepared academically, emotionally, and culturally to face challenges and take advantage of opportunities using their multilingual skills to benefit their community.

Nuestros cargadores serán ciudadanos del mundo que demuestren respeto y aprecio por diversas experiencias y perspectivas, preparados académica, emocional y culturalmente para enfrentar desafíos y aprovechar oportunidades utilizando sus habilidades multilingües para beneficiar a su comunidad.

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School Goals

Promote, model, and recognize high standards and expectations for student attendance, behavior, and achievement.
Encourage students to value learning and to view learning as a lifelong, worthwhile activity.
Maintain a safe, orderly, and attractive environment that reflects an academic focus.
Maintain a positive, cooperative, and resourceful rapport among staff, parents, administration, community, and students.
Deliver a challenging standards based curriculum that integrates problem solving, listening, speaking, reading, and writing and provides powerful learning experiences for all students.
Provide early intervention techniques for at-risk students.
Promote and encourage parent involvement in their child's education.

Community Of Caring

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Students exhibit, through their actions, an understanding of the core value of Community of Caring:

Caring – Respect – Family – Trust – Responsibility

The Centerville Community believes that all children can excel at academics, social activities and citizenship. Centerville students know we have high expectations and strive to meet all given goals.